Resposible Tourism Code of Conduct
The landscape of Minapin is comprised on naturally beautiful and culturally sensitive areas, but beauty can easily be eroded by the onset of mass tourism. To do your part to preserve the natural beauty and rich culture of this area, and ensure your tourism has a positive effect, please keep the following do and don’ts in your mind:
Remember your trip will be a cross cultural experience. Local people commonly ask why tourist come so far to walk in these mountains and experience their simple way of life. Try to communicate them what you find enriching about their area and help them appreciate what they have. Explain to them the realities of your home country, good and bad. Bring photographs of your family, home and country to share with your new friends. Discourage smoking and drug use among young people and encourage them to be proud of their culture.
Kindly also respect Pakistani customs in your dress and behaviour. Women should not wear shorts or revealing blouses. It will be more appropriate if they could wear Pakistani salwar-kamiz. For men, knee-length hiking shorts are better than jogging shorts, and always wear a shirt. Avoid physical displays of affection publicly.
Be respectful of religious places. Heads should be covered and shoes removed before entering any mosque or shrine. Modestly and neatness are especially appreciated when visiting religious places.
Get permission before taking photographs and respect people’s right to privacy.
Giving money, pens, candy etc. to begging children creates a patron-pauper consciousness and should be strictly avoided. Instead, make a positive contribution to a school or a community health centre of the local NGO which will benefit the entire community. You can also promote local art and crafts by buying local handicrafts.
Litter is unattractive, harmful to wildlife and can increase vermin and disease among people. Plan your visit to reduce rubbish, and carry out what you carry in. Similarly do not pollute water courses and mountain water streams.
Treat forests, animals and birds with care and respect. They are unique and rare. Do not damage, disturb or remove any tree, plants or animals. Do not purchase animal parts and products.
Above all, remember that your vacation has a great impact on the natural environment and the people of this area. By making an effort and taking the above points into consideration you could help the natural environment and local communities enormously.